Our Belief
We believe that God is the only creator and sustainer of all creation and that creation was created from nothing by divine order without gradual change. (John.1:3, Acts 17፡24-25, Genesis 1፡1)
We believe that God sent Christ to this world to save sinners with His sovereign will and love for mankind. (John.3:16, 1Tim 1:15, 1John 4:14) -
We believe that Jesus Christ was a perfect God and a perfect man both in the days when He appeared in the flesh and now when He is sitting at the right hand of the Father. (Luke 1:30, Col 2:9 –10) We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. (Isa 7:14, Isa 9:6)
We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of many, that He shed His blood to pay the penalty for our sins that He died and was buried, and that He rose bodily on the third day (1Cor15:4-3). -
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God and has all the attributes of God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, that He gives rebirth, that He dwells in believers, that He seals them for the day of salvation, that He baptizes them with fire, and that the goal of all His work is for people to imitate Christ (John 3:5-6, John 16፡7-8, Eph 1:13, Acts 2:1-3) .
We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, and that the entire human race fell because of Adam's sin and separated from God by inheriting the nature of sin.
We believe that all people fallen morally because of Adam's sin and unable to save themselves from eternal judgment -
We believe that salvation is a free gift of God and that a person receives salvation by personally believing in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. We believe that a person is justified not by his own works of righteousness, but by grace through faith, and as true believers follow Christ they will be protected by Him.
John 10:27-28 -
We believe that the true Church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ who saves and are filled with the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Church is a group of people who have fellowship in the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head, and who have received a mission from God and are a group of people who practice worship, fellowship, learning the word of God, preaching the Gospel, and practicing other spiritual gifts.
Our Values
Supremacy of the Bible
Mission focused
Servant hood
Our Purpose
Delivering the Gospel and distributing the Bible to all peoples who have not received the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their language and context.
To plant local Churches in collaboration with partner Churches.
Inspire and create partnership to activate the evangelical Churches for missionary work.
To train and send missionaries to the people of Ethiopia, Africa and the world who have not been reached by the Gospel.
To support missionaries and local Churches with trainings, money and material for mission work.